
Aviva Gold : Current Board Member

Aviva Gold : Current Board Member

9223dfb5-d447-47db-9ce5-131ca7eea468 (1)

Position: Board Member

As many prospective board member bios begin, I joined the Co-op on one of my very first days in the North Country, about nine years ago. I’m a big fan of the cooperative business model, and really appreciate the opportunity to make my most important purchases someplace that so consciously positively impacts our local economy.Aside from spending around 74 percent of our family’s grocery budget at the Co-op, I have done a fair amount of committee work, serving on a couple of different iterations of the outreach/marketing committees, the newsletter committee, two hiring committees for general managers, and the governance committee. I was very involved in the process of creating an ends policy, and have been super impressed with how the board has already used it to guide decisions. I am looking forward to seeing how that ends policy continues to serve the Co-op. Since then I have helped the Co-op write a grant proposal, and am working on helping to evaluate the member-owner equity/discount structure.I have enjoyed the Co-op projects I have been involved with. I hope my deep belief in the strength of the cooperative model to drive a business forward in difficult times, as well as my interest in what makes a sustainable rural economy, can help shape the discussions as the Co-op moves through some big decisions in the coming years.

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