
Karen Bage : Current Board Member

Karen Bage : Current Board Member

Karen Bage pic (1)

Position: Board Member

How long have you been a Co-op member?

I moved to the North Country in the summer of 1997 – my first winter was the ice storm of 1998! I’ve been a member of the co-op ever since. For the past three years, I have served as a Board Member. I am seeking a second term

What do I appreciate about the Co-op?

I like that the co-op is more than just a place to purchase healthful groceries – it feels like a sanctuary in this chaotic time. I really like being able to buy spices in any quantity as they’re much cheaper and fresher that way; and, the bulk food items – any way we can help reduce packaging, especially plastics, is really important to me. I also appreciate the co-op provides local farmers and growers a retail outlet for their product.

Why have you chosen to run for a seat on the Board of Directors?

I have been serving on the Board for the past three years, and have been a co-lead on the Co-op’s Relocation and Expansion project. As one of a team of three (now four!), our project proposal has won $1.659 million from New York State’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative toward our $3 million project! As Chair of the Fundraising Committee I’m dedicated to raising our share of the project cost through member loans and donations, writing grant proposals, and working with lenders to secure financing. It’s an exciting, yet nail-biting, time for the Co-op as we move forward into this next chapter of the Co-op’s history.

What interest, skill and talents will you bring to the Board of Director?

Well, being a co-author of a winning DRI proposal seems like a good skill! Co-op members should know I am committed to making the relocation and expansion project a reality. Despite the many challenges this project has and will continue to put in front of us, I am dedicated to making the dream happen. I look forward to the ribbon-cutting opening day party!

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