
Fire Cider: Everything You Need To Know

Fire Cider: Everything You Need To Know


Fire Cider is one of the homemade elixirs I get asked about frequently. 

  • Does it really boost immunity?
  • Can it stop a cold or flu?

Basic Fire Cider Recipe


  • 1 large, organic onion, chopped up finely
  • 10 -15 cloves of organic garlic, crushed or chopped
  • 2 -4 organic jalapeno peppers, chopped
  • ½ cup fresh grated organic ginger root 
  • ½ cup fresh grated organic horseradish, cover immediately in the ACV
  • 1 ½ quart organic apple cider vinegar (ACV)
  • ¼ – ½ cup of raw, local honey – to your taste. I have set this ingredient apart from the others as I add this after I strain the Fire Cider in 1 months’ time.

Optional ingredients to up your Fire Cider’s health boosting powers:

  • 1 Tbsp. organic turmeric powder or grind fresh turmeric root
  • 4 Tbsp of fresh rosemary leaves or 2 Tbsp. of dried rosemary leaves
  • ¼  tsp. organic cayenne powder
  • 4 Tbsp. of fresh oregano leaves or 2 Tbsp. of dried oregano leaves
  • 4 Tbsp. of fresh thyme leaves or 2 Tbsp. dried thyme leaves
  • Zest and juice from 1 -2 organic lemons


  • Pour 3 cups of apple cider vinegar into ½ gallon jar to start
  • Chop and grind all ingredients and add to the vinegar in the canning jar. 
  • Add optional ingredients if it so pleases you.
  • After all solid ingredients are in the jar, finish filling the jar with apple cider vinegar. Make certain all of your solid ingredients are completely immersed in the vinegar. 
  • Allow this mix to sit for a month in a cool dark place, cupboard perhaps. 
  • Once a day, grab the jar and swirl the contents to mix up everything. 
  • After a month has passed, strain all the liquid out. Squeeze the solid veggie matter mass to get out every drop of liquid you possibly can. 
  • Bottle the strained liquid. 
  • Add honey to taste, the above mentioned, local raw honey.
  • Label the bottle with contents and date bottled. Always label every jar of elixir you make. Trust me, I have made many a tincture, thinking I would not forget the contents of the bottle, and I forget. I have a discerning taste with herbs and can generally figure out what is in the bottle but I recommend you don’t stress yourself this way. 
ingredients for fire cider
Turmeric is one of the ingredients in Fire Cider

The Power Of Fire Cider’s Ingredients

When we dig into the anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic effects of the ingredients, is it any wonder that Fire Cider is so great? Take a shot as soon as you feel that first tickle in the throat of “oh no, do I have a cold or flu starting?” 

All I have said above is anti this and anti that, I also want to emphasize the pro-side of using these herbs and foods. All of the Fire Cider ingredients are whole foods that feed the body cells (our whole body) for vitality. When we put cell nourishing foods into our body, we are working to prevent both viral and bacterial infections, and also the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. 

In the following paragraphs, I’m going to give some simple healing benefits of the Fire Cider ingredients. Firstly, there is actual research into the chemical compounds in each of these herbs and foods. The research speaks of how these *single constituent, natural chemical compounds impact microbes and the body’s health. If you are so inclined and interested, dig deeper into some research. 

Secondly, all of the solid ingredients of Fire Cider relieve congestion. Relieving congestion keeps mucous and fluids (circulation of blood and lymph)  moving in your body. Stagnant mucous, however, is a breeding ground for bacteria. In other words, a bacterial sinus infection, on top of a cold or flu, is best avoided.


Contains many anti-viral compounds, similar to its cousin, garlic.


A natural antibiotic that draws out macrophages and lymphocytes, cells in your immune system that fight infection and disease.

Jalapeno & Cayenne

Capsaicin is the hot ingredient in hot and red peppers. It has anti-viral properties and increases circulation in the body. Keeping blood, lymph, and cellular fluids moving, as opposed to stagnant, allows the body to more effectively remove wastes.


Anti-viral and increases circulation. Ginger is also anti-inflammatory. Keeping inflammation low in the body supports the body keeping its microbial population healthy. In other words, this means the immune system is available to find and get rid of unwanted microbial invaders. 


Horseradish’s antimicrobial activity is from isothiocyanates compounds in the root. 


Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity.

Rosemary, Oregano, & Thyme

All are anti-microbial, used to kill microbes in the water when traveling in foreign countries. They are considered natural antibiotics and are known to kill bacteria and viruses.

Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Zest & Juice

All are anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Honey has anti-bacterial properties. Apples have been shown to kill viruses and are nutrition-packed whole food. The apple a day thing is totally on the mark. See my earlier post on The Magic of Apples.

In conclusion, after reviewing the benefits of the ingredients, can you now answer these questions?

  • Does it really boost immunity?
  • Can it stop a cold or flu?


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