Martin’s Farmstand: Open House 2021 Edition

When Did You Start Your Business?
Martin’s Farmstand started in 1998.
What Made You Want To Get Into Producing Your Products?
We use organic farming methods (not certified). We have some mechanized equipment but are still small enough that a great deal is done by hand.
What Does Local Mean To You?
I like to think of local as circles of various sizes with the smallest being food that is grown right at our house. Then you have the little farm stands at the neighbor’s place followed by the bigger farm stands that have food from a few dozen farms that is brought together.
Local could be the Farmer’s Market or the Co-op at the moments that we farmers have filled your shelves. It is not what the big green-washing corporations are making it to be.
What Do You Enjoy The Most About What You Do?
I like the gardens and the little plants. I also love the harvest and the joy people get from the good food.
What Are Some Of The Challenges You Face?
Besides the usual challenges like unusual weather, deer, and equipment breakdowns is the fact that we are so finite and the work has this tendency to push things that are also very important out of our lives.
How Does The Co-op Influence Your Business?
It would be terrible to grow good food and then have nobody eat it. The Co-op is a piece of the puzzle in connecting farms and eaters together.
What Are Your Goals And Future Plans For Your Business?
I judge that we are in unusually unstable times with lots of questions. I am satisfied to let things continue to grow and evolve. God will show us the next steps in his good time.
We are here to serve and to grow or procure the best chemical-free product that we know how to. At the same time if I can help you grow your own garden and not need us much- that is good to.