Member Input When We Need To Be Quiet And Quick
By the time you are reading this post, the Potsdam Downtown Revitalization Initiative awards may have already been announced, and we may know a lot more about the funding situation for our expansion and relocation project. But a lot has happened in the year-and-a-half or so since we submitted our project proposal. Some of the DRI projects have fallen through or gone ahead without the funding. The pandemic time lag allowed for a shift in the downtown real estate market. The cost of building materials has risen dramatically. All of these factors, as well as the other DRI projects that will be funded, will affect the direction of the Co-op’s project.
Major Decisions Being Made Without A Lot Of Member Input
As a board, we are tasked with making major decisions for the members of our Co-op. There will be many decisions in the coming months that will need to be made quickly and/or confidentially, and that will mean major decisions being made without a lot of member input. That is a huge and humbling responsibility.
If you have some ideas on how our Board can balance that need for speed and confidentiality with gaining as much member input as possible, please let us know. Also, if the expansion/relocation project is something you would like to be more involved with, let us know that as well. There is much work to be done, and many hands will be needed.
Learn more about the Potsdam Food Co-op’s DRI project proposal…
Or the main Potsdam Downtown Revitalization Initiative…
Contact us via the email address.
Your Co-op Board